Sunday, October 17, 2010

PE_3 - Hoppala Augmentation

Over the summer I learned about Augmented Reality, which may be the next big thing in commercial applications. For example, a real estate company could create an augmentation that marks every house for sale within an area and when people drive by a message would be sent to their phone giving the details of the least in theory.

In my education world, I am going to attempt to use this application on a field trip during the students' two mile hike. when they approach a certain area, a message will be sent to them assigning them an activity to complete. The scenario has them working as secret environmental agents who are investigating reports of pollution in the area. The messages are clues delivers by other secret agents. The augmentation I am working on is located at

I am hoping this works...if it does...then we have created an awesome activity...if it fails then the kids still enjoy a great walk through the wilds of Lakeland with an experience they will never forget.

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